Computer Forensic Expert
A Computer Forensics Investigator or Forensic Analyst is a specially trained professional who works with law enforcement agencies, as well as private firms, to retrieve information from computers and other types of data storage devices. Computer forensics experts are increasingly in demand by corporate and governmental bodies alike. This means your career path will be an exciting one.
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Computer Forensic Expert
This is an advanced level course in cyber Forensic with special modules on Investigating Financial Crimes and Documentation Issues. Cyber forensics is a good career option as it has tremendous demand world over. Cyber forensics professionals are required at companies, legal firms, law enforcement offices, courts, etc. However, cyber forensics is highly specialized field and mere theoretical knowledge would not bring much benefits.
Computer Forensics in Today’s World
Computer Forensics Investigation Process
Searching and Seizing of Computers
Digital Evidence
First Responder Procedures
Incident Handling
Computer Forensics Lab
Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems
Digital Media Devices
CD/DVD Forensics
Windows Linux Macintosh Boot Process
Windows Forensics I
Windows Forensics II
Linux Forensics
Mac Forensics
Data Acquisition and Duplication
Recovering Deleted Files and Deleted Partitions
Forensics Investigations Using Access Data FTK
Forensics Investigations Using Encase
Image Files Forensics
Audio File Forensics
Video File Forensics
Application Password Crackers
Log Capturing and Event Correlation
Network Forensics and Investigating Logs
Investigating Network Traffic
Router Forensics
Investigating Wireless Attacks
Investigating Web Attacks
Investigating DoS Attacks
Investigating Virus, Trojan, Spyware and Rootkit Attacks
Investigating Internet Crimes
Tracking Emails and Investigating Email Crimes
PDA Forensics
Blackberry Forensics
iPod and iPhone Forensics
Cell Phone Forensics
USB Forensics
Printer Forensics
Investigating Corporate Espionage
Investigating Computer Data Breaches
Investigating Trademarks and Copyright Infringement
Investigating Sexual Harassment Incidents
Investigative Reports
Become an Expert Witness
How to become a digital detective
Computer Forensics for Lawyers
Law and Computer Forensics
Computer Forensics and Legal Compliance
Security Policies
Risk Assessment
Evaluation and Certification of Information Systems
Ethics in Computer Forensics
Computer Forensic Tools
Windows Based Command Line Tools
Windows Based GUI Tools
Forensics Frameworks
Forensics Investigation Templates
Computer Forensics Consulting Companies