Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI)
A criminal always leaves a trace of evidence behind.Become a CHFI with Sysap’s online course on CHFI certification.This online training course certifies individuals in forensic security discipline from a vendor-neutral perspective and enhances their knowledge on digital forensics to investigate and prevent cyber attacks efficiently.
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Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI)
The CHFI course will give participants the necessary skills to identify intruders’s foot prints and to properly gather the necessary evidence to prosecute. Many of today’s top tools of the forensic trade will be taught during this course, including software, hardware and specialized techniques. The need for businesses to become more efficient and integrated with one another, as well as the home user, has given way to a new type of criminal, the “cyber-criminal.” It is no longer a matter of “will your organization be comprised (hacked)?” but, rather, “when?” Today’s battle between corporations, governments and countries are no longer fought only in the typical arenas of board rooms or battle fields using physical force. Now, the battlefield starts in the technical realm, which ties into most every facet of modern day life. If you or your organization requires the knowledge of skills to indetify, track, and prosecute the cyber-criminal, then this is the course for you.
Module 01: Computer Forensics in Today's World
Module 02: Computer Forensics Investigation Process
Module 03: Searching and Seizing Computers
Module 04: Digital Evidence
Module 05: First Responder Procedures
Module 06: Computer Forensics Lab
Module 07: Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems
Module 08: Windows Forensics
Module 09: Data Acquisition & Duplication
Module 10: Recovering Deleted Files and Deleted Partitions
Module 11: Forensics Investigation using AccessData FTK
Module 12: Investigating Email Crimes
Module 13: Steganography and Image File Forensics
Module 14: Application Password Crackers
Module 15: Log Capturing and Event Correlation
Module 16: Network Forensics, Investigating Logs & Network Traffic
Module 17: Investigating Wireless Attacks
Module 18: Investigating Web Attacks
Module 19: Tracking Emails and Investigating Email Crimes
Module 20: Mobile Forensics
Module 21: Investigative Reports
Module 22: Becoming an Expert Witness