Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering is taking apart an object to see how it works in order to duplicate or enhance the object. The practice, taken from older industries, is now frequently used oncomputer hardware and software. Software reverse engineering involves reversing a program’s machine code (the string of 0s and 1s that are sent to the logic processor) back into the source code that it was written in, using program language statements.
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Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering is a vitally important skill for today’s expert security professional. Everything from reverse engineering malware todiscovering vulnerabilities in binaries are required in order to properly secure an organization from today’s ever evolving threats.
In this 5 day hands-on course, you will gain the necessary binary analysis skills to discover the true nature of any Windows binary. You will learn how to recognize the high level language constructs (such as branching statements, looping functions and network socket code) critical to performing a thorough and professional reverse engineering analysis of a binary. After learning these important introductory skills, you will advance to the analysis of:

Course Highlights
- Binary obfuscation schemes, used by: Hackers, Trojan writers and copy protection algorithms
- Hostile Code & Malware, including: Worms, Viruses, Trojans, Rootkits and Bots
- Vulnerabilities in Binaries, including: Format string vulnerabilities, buffer overflow conditions, and the identification of flawed cryptographic schemes
Additionally you will learn how to recognize the features modern optimizing compilers, including the gcc 4.x family of compilers and the ubiquitous Visual Studio .NET.
Sysap Technologies will train you on the standard reverse engineering programs IDA Pro, Ollydbg, and Softice. You will also learn how to use various hex editors, binary analysis programs, and code coverage analyzers.
- Gain the in-demand career skills of a reverse engineer. Very few information security professionals, incident response analysts and vulnerability researchers have the ability to reverse binaries efficiently. You will undoubtedly be at the top of your professional field.
- Learn the methodologies, tools, and manual reversing techniques used real world situations in our reversing lab.
- Move beyond automated "input and output" testing of binaries, commonly used by fuzzers and other analysis tools.
- More than interesting theories and lecture, get your hands dirty in our dedicated reversing lab in this security training course.
What You'll LEARN ?
Many incident response situations and computer forensics investigations cannot be completed accurately or thoroughly without understanding the runtime nature of a binary. Hackers increasingly use customized trojans that are not detected by antivirus which can only be analyzed and traced back to the original attacker via reverse engineering.
Additionally, many binary programs contain vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows and the use of very weak cryptographic algorithms. The only way to discover these critical vulnerabilities for closed-source programs is to reverse engineer them.
Reverse engineering is also required in order to understand complex binary obfuscation schemes used by copy protection vendors, as well as obfuscation put in place by commercial software vendors.
Understanding hashing functions
Working with encrypted binaries
Reversing UPX and other compression types
Discovering stack overflows
Discovering heap overflows
Creating a sandbox to isolate malware
Unpacking malware
Monitoring registry changes
Identifying malware communication channels
Understanding Digital Rights Management (DRM) implementations
Thwarting anti-debugger code
Debugging multi-threaded programs
Recursive traversal dissasemblers
CREA Review
Legal issues and the DMCA