Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH)V13
Certified Ethical Hacker CEH v13 will teach you the latest commercial-grade hacking tools, techniques, and methodologies used by hackers and information security professionals to lawfully hack an organization.
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Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s). The CEH credential certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective.
The Purpose of the CEH credential is to:
- Establish and govern minimum standards for credentialing professional information security specialists in ethical hacking measures.
- Inform the public that credentialed individuals meet or exceed the minimum standards.
- Reinforce ethical hacking as a unique and self-regulating profession.
Number of Questions
4 Hrs
Test Duration
Test Format
Test Delivery
Exam Prefix
The Most Comprehensive Ethical Hacking Course in the World
This is the worlds most advanced certified ethical hacking course with 20 of the most current security domains any individual will ever want to know when they are planning to beef up the information security posture of their organization. In 20 comprehensive modules, the course covers 340 attack technologies, commonly used by hackers.
About the CEHv13 Program
Our security experts have designed over 140 labs which mimic real time scenarios in the course to help you “live” through an attack as if it were real and provide you with access to over 2200 commonly used hacking tools to immerse you into the hacker world.
As “a picture tells a thousand words”, our developers have all this and more for you in over 1685 graphically rich, specially designed slides to help you grasp complex security concepts in depth which will be presented to you in a 5 day hands on class by our Certified EC-Council Instructor.
The goal of this course is to help you master an ethical hacking methodology that can be used in a penetration testing or ethical hacking situation. You walk out the door with ethical hacking skills that are highly in demand, as well as the internationally recognized Certified Ethical Hacker certification! This course prepares you for EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker exam 312-50.
About The Exam
Number of Questions: 125 Test
Duration: 4 Hours
Test Format: Multiple Choice
Test Delivery: ECC EXAM, VUE
Exam Prefix: 312-50 (ECC EXAM), 312-50 (VUE)
Passing Score:
In order to maintain the high integrity of our certification exams, EC-Council Exams are provided in multiple forms (I.e. different question banks). Each form is carefully analyzed through beta testing with an appropriate sample group under the purview of a committee of subject matter experts that ensure that each of our exams not only has academic rigor but also has real world applicability. We also have a process to determine the difficulty rating of each question. The individual rating then contributes to an overall cut score for each exam form. To ensure each form has equal assessment standards, cut scores are set on a “per exam form” basis. Depending on which exam form is challenged, cut scores can range from 60% to 85%.
Course Outline
Module 03: Scanning Networks Module 04: Enumeration
Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis Module 06: System Hacking
Module 07: Malware Threats Module 08: Sniffing
Module 09: Social Engineering Module 10: Denial-of-Service
Module 11: Session Hijacking Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
Module 13: Hacking Web Servers Module 14: Hacking Web Applications
Module 15: SQL Injection Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks
Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms Module 18:IoT and OT Hacking
Module 19: Cloud Computing Module 20: Cryptography
Who is it for?
Targeted Audience Suggested Course Duration
- Information Security Analyst / Administrator Training Boot Camps
- Information Assurance (IA) Security Officer Days: 5
- Information Security Manager / Specialist Minimum Hours: 40
- Information Systems Security Engineer / Manager Academic Courses
- Information Security Professionals / Officers Days:
- Information Security / IT Auditors Adapts according to the academic format of universities
- Risk / Threat / Vulnerability Analyst Minimum Hours:
- System Administrators Vary according to program requirements of universities
- Network Administrators and Engineers
Training Options
iLearn (Self-Study)
This solution is an asynchronous, self-study environment which delivers EC-Council’s sought-after IT Security hacking training courses in a streaming video format.
iWeek (Live Online)
This solution is a live, online, instructor-led training course that you can attend with a live instructor from anywhere with an internet connection.
Master Class
This solution offers you the opportunity to learn from world-class instructors and the opportunity to collaborate with top Infosecurity professionals. MasterClass classes come with a slew of additional benefits including add-on certification training, local meet-up opportunities, and iLearn access.
Training Partner (In Person)
This solution offers in-person CEH training so that you can get the benefit of collaborating with your peers and gaining real-world skills, conveniently located at one of the hundreds of training centers authorized to teach EC-Council courses around the world.
Education Partner (In Person or Online)
This solution offers education courses through EC-Council Academia partnered institutions to benefit students enrolled in a college or university degree programs.
What is New in CEH Version 13 Course
Hacking Challenges On Steroids
24 incredible challenges across 4 levels of complexity that covers 18 attack vectors, including the OWASP Top 10
Emerging Attack Vectors
File less malware, targeted ransomware, Web API threats and Web Shell
NFS, Telnet, SMB, FTP, TFTP, IPV6, BGP enumeration techniques
Malware Reverse Engineering
Static And Dynamic Malware Analysis
Cloud Computing
Container technology, Docker, Kubernetes, Serverless Computing, Cloud Hacking Methodology
Hacking Web Aplications
Web API, webhooks and web shells concepts, Web API hacking & Security
Operation Technology
ICS, SCADA, PLC; HMI based attacks, Side-Channel attacks
WPA3 Encryption and cracking
Who Is It For?
The Certified Ethical Hacking training course will significantly benefit security officers, auditors, security professionals, site administrators, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure.
5 Days (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible to attempt EC-Council CEH, certification examination, candidate may opt to
Attend Official Training
If a candidate attends an official instructor-led training (ILT), computer-based training (CBT), online live training, or academic learning, candidate is eligible to attempt the relevant EC-Council exam.
Attempt Exam without Official Training
In order to be considered for the EC-Council CEH exam without attending official training, candidate must have at least two years of information security related experience and remit a non-refundable eligibility application fee of USD 100.00 along with their application form.
Download Brochure And Outline
About the program
Program Outline
EC-Council places great emphasis on the quality of its instructors. A 17-year-old will not be teaching security to professionals at our accredited training centres. Certainly, experience is the greatest teacher. However, EC-Council adheres to a code of ethics and encourages security professionals with significant years of teaching experience in the industry and a security background to handle our security related programs.
What makes this program different from others in the market?
The program focuses on hacking techniques and technologies from an offensive perspective. This advanced security program is regularly updated to reflect the latest developments in the domain, including new hacking techniques, exploits, automated programs as well as defensive recommendations as outlined by experts in the field. The CEH body of knowledge represents detailed contributions from security experts, academicians, industry practitioners and the security community at large.
What can i take back to my organisation if i certify as a CEH?
EC-Council believes in giving back to the security community as it has partaken of it. When you are a Certified Ethical Hacker, you are more than a security auditor or a vulnerability tester or a penetration tester alone. You are exposed to security checklists that will help you audit the organization’s information assets, tools which will check for vulnerabilities that can be exploited and above all a methodology to assess the security posture of your organization by doing a penetration test against it. In short, the knowledge you will acquire has practical value to make your work place a more secure and efficient one.
Where does CEH stand whene compare to other educational offerings in the field of information security?
Consider this: A security defense program educates candidates regarding proper configuration, firewalls, or rather pre-emptive security. CEH takes the alternative approach – defense in depth by attacking the systems. This is in sharp contrast to programs that teach defensive tactics alone. CEH imparts offensive tactics supplemented with defensive countermeasures. This ensures that the CEH professional can have a holistic security perspective of the organization.
What are Hacking techniques and their technology?
Hacking techniques represent ways and means by which computer programs can be made to behave in ways they are not meant to. These techniques extend beyond the technology domain and can be applied to test security policies and procedures. Hacking technologies are used to refer to those tools and automated programs that can be used by perpetrators against an organization to incur critical damage. As technology advances, the skills required to execute a hack are much lesser as pre-compiled programs are available to effect havoc with simple point and click.
I am a CEH. What is my level?
Congratulations on becoming a CEH! You have joined an elite group of professionals around the world. Your next level is to become an EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (E|CSA) or proceed with the CEH (Master).
Isn't this knowledge is harmful? Why do you make it available so easy to Public?
SYSAP fulfils its social responsibility by ensuring that only persons with a minimum of two years of security related experience are eligible for the program. In addition, all candidates are required to sign an agreement where they agree to respect the knowledge acquired and not misuse it in any way. The candidate also agrees to abide by all legal laws of their respective countries of residence in the use of thus acquired knowledge. Besides the CEH exam is a tough one to pass as students must have in-depth knowledge to achieve the globally recognized ethical hacking certification.
Aren't tools meant for script kiddies?
Does it matter if an elite hacker writes a buffer overflow or a script kiddy runs a tool if the target system gets compromised anyway? The point here is that the enemy may be intellectually great or small, but he/she requires just one port of entry to wreck damage while the organization has the entire perimeter to guard with limited time and resources.
What is the employment value of CEH?
The ANSI accredited Ethical Hacking program is primarily targeted at security professionals who want to acquire a well-rounded body of knowledge to have better opportunities in this field. Acquiring a Certified Ethical Hacking Certification means the candidate has a minimum baseline knowledge of security threats, risks and countermeasures. Organizations can rest assured that they have a candidate who is more than a systems administrator, a security auditor, a hacking tool analyst or a vulnerability tester. The candidate is assured of having both business and technical knowledge.
What are the important things to keep in mind before i schedule my exam with a remote proctor?
Once you are ready to proceed with your exam, please ensure you understand the below:
You need to run an equipment test
You need to carry an identification proof
You should hold an valid exam voucher
This is all to technical. Do ypu reflect Real-World business issues?
The value of CEH lies in its practical value. Over 18 domains, students are exposed to business risks and the potential damage that can occur due to negligence. Students will be able to make an informed decision regarding the amount of risk a company can face if it chooses to address a security concern.